Create your first twine

Let’s say we want a digital twin that accepts two values, uses them to make a calculation, then gives the result. Anyone connecting to the twin will need to know what values it requires, and what it responds with.

First, create a blank text file, call it twine.json. We’ll give the twin a title and description. Paste in the following:

        "title": "My first digital twin... of an atomising discombobulator",
        "description": "A simple example... estimates the `foz` value of an atomising discombobulator."

Now, let’s define an input values strand, to specify what values are required by the twin. For this we use a json schema (you can read more about them in Introducing JSON Schema). Add the input_values field, so your twine looks like this:

    "title": "My first digital twin",
    "description": "A simple example to build on..."
    "input_values_schema": {
        "$schema": "",
        "title": "Input Values schema for my first digital twin",
        "description": "These values are supplied to the twin by another program (often over a websocket, depending on your integration provider). So as these values change, the twin can reply with an update.",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "foo": {
                    "description": "The foo value... speed of the discombobulator's input bobulation module, in m/s",
                    "type": "number",
                    "minimum": 10,
                    "maximum": 500
            "baz": {
                    "description": "The baz value... period of the discombobulator's recombulation unit, in s",
                    "type": "number",
                    "minimum": 0,
                    "maximum": 1000

Finally, let’s define an output values strand, to define what kind of data is returned by the twin:

"output_values_schema": {
    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Output Values schema for my first digital twin",
    "description": "The twin will output data that matches this schema",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "foz": {
                "description": "Estimate of the foz value... efficiency of the discombobulator in %",
                "type": "number",
                "minimum": 10,
                "maximum": 500

Load the twine

twined provides a Twine() class to load a twine (from a file or a json string). The loading process checks the twine itself is valid. It’s as simple as:

from twined import Twine

my_twine = Twine(source='twine.json')

Validate some inputs

Say we have some json that we want to parse and validate, to make sure it matches what’s required for input values.

my_input_values = my_twine.validate_input_values(json='{"foo": 30, "baz": 500}')

You can read the values from a file too. Paste the following into a file named input_values.json:

  "foo": 30,
  "baz": 500

Then parse and validate directly from the file:

my_input_values = my_twine.validate_input_values(source="input_values.json")
